fag punk haven

yes, the fag punk in question is me. its my haven. i'm also an aspiring transsexual.

it would be so cool if someone dug this up in an archive one day. i get so much wonder seeing other peoples websites from the early 2000's. i never got to experience that until now!!! so...welcome to a space of my very own :-) hehe i can go on for as long as i want, and put off anyone from reading my mountain of info. suck on that social media! i've never used html befooorre. procrastination from schoolwork definitely leads you places. i got led here by an artist's (@papanowo) drawing of spock making his own deep blue, star themed tumblr blog. and then i was like. cute. i need to be him. i need a blog that literally no-one will see to be my magnum opus. and then i explored web archives from tumblr for blinkies and that led me here and i was like. woooah. i need to do this. I HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN STARTREK YET.

little tutorial thing it leads to neocities
